Few years ago, Allahabad High Court had very rightly asserted that loudspeakers  are not an intrinsic part of religion. Definitely one cannot be forced to hear what they do not want to hear and also right to profess one's religion is required to be modified by the needs of public order morality and health. Indeed the judiciary had delivered absolutely right words.
But that nice judgement should not be applicable solely in case of Muslims or call of azaan through loudspeakers only! Rather this prohibitory law is required to be applicable for all religions and festivals.
Common people know very well (admit or not admit) what torture gets heaped upon them during festivals like Chaath Ram Navami Hanuman Jayanti Holi Diwali or Shivratri. 
Often in consecutive 2 to 3 days that too crossing the midnight hours; "devotional" songs get played continuously through loudspeakers at highest decibel possible, surpassing the permissible limit by miles! Chhath comes up with "additional gifts" of earth-shattering sound-emitting crackers and zealous beating of drums be it from evening to night and also at the verge of dawn! And less said about Diwali the better!  Not only all sorts of environmental decorum go for a toss, these pandemonium cause immense stress on human health specially upon new-born, children, vulnerable senior citizens and patients. What a barbaric assault upon public order, morality and health! Even animals and birds also do not escape this agony. 
Neither loudspeakers nor crackers, not even drums form intrinsic part of worshipping Surya Shiva Hanuman or Ram! Celebration of Diwali is also essentially an exhibition of lights. At the most low sounding light-emitting crackers can be allowed till a particular hour of night.
But how can celebration be termed "celebration" in India unless muscle flexing in the name of religion or race can be displayed at it's crude "best"! In this "religious" nation named India,  festivals have been degraded to a show of racial and religious dominance emitting a subtle message "who runs the show"!
Of course there are exceptions like Christians and Buddhists who do not disturb the society a bit in the name of celebrating Christmas Good Friday Easter or Buddha Jayanti. Their whole celebration remains confined within the premises of Church or monastery amidst dignified silence (or minimum sound which do not cross the boundary of their religious shrines). 
Rest of the communities should draw inspiration from the Christians and Buddhists and confine their "Bhaktis" within their respective homes or religious places only without any sound infiltrating outside. And festivals which necessarily demand an external place like river front or open grounds should be conducted without displaying muscle of loudspeakers drums and crackers and of course without polluting the waters and murdering aquatic lives unlike what the Chaath "devotees" are doing year after year!
If good sense prevails, fine. But it is highly unlikely because religion for some is an opportunity to flex demographic muscle which they are not ready to willingly sacrifice! In those situations, judiciary and administration are required to step in and announce a blanket ban on all nuisance of disturbing others and award exemplary punishment who dare to violate environmental laws and civil decorum.

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