DBU of PNB inaugurated today at Gokulpur of Tripura
Udaipur, Oct 16, 2022, TRIPURATIMES Desk
Udaipur Oct 16: A total of 75 numbers Digital Banking Units (DBU) has been inaugurated today by PM of India on the occasion of 75th year celebration of India’s independence where a DBU of Punjab National Bank (PNB) has launched today here at Gokulpur Bazar area under Udaipur of Tripura.
Though the DBUs are being centrally launched by PM of India but the Minister of Agriculture of the state Tripura Pranjit Singha Roy has attended in the DBU center which established with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India announced the guidelines for DBUs, following the report of a working group of the Indian Banks Association. A digital banking unit is a specialised fixed point business unit or hub housing certain minimum digital infrastructure for delivering digital banking products and services as well as servicing existing financial products and services digitally in self-service mode at any time.
Anand Kumar, Circle Head of PNB for Agartala has attended the inaugural programme and said this DBU would be helpful for people to do transactions from one bank account to others without any manual support because the system generated facilities could be available for the benefit of customers.
Sudip Majumder and Sanjib Dey, the representatives of Bagma Agri Producer Company Limited (BAPCL) are deposited at amount of Rs:1000 today while the PM has inaugurated this DBUs for the benefit of people in order to do financial inclusion for all and the DBUs are the effort of digitization of banking services which cooperative and friendly for the customers.
The people are happy with this setup which was established by PNB here at Gokulpur area for the benefit of people to do the banking services with a certain level of satisfaction for doing banking related activities.