Santirbazar, Aug 27, 2022, TRIPURATIMES Desk
Santirbazar Aug 27: An innovative approach for development of farming community which was followed by KVK, South Tripura during last decade found to be very successful for entrepreneurial business development in agriculture and allied sector. It is a simple approach, but required an active involvement of different institutions and stakeholders for its success.
Generally, different extension programmes of agriculture and allied sectors target the basic concept of technology transfer to reach farming community for adoption. But sometimes, it was observed that the farmers are not practicing the transferred knowledge after knowing the advantages of the same. This might be due to the presence of different factors, which were much needed to be addressed and perquisite issues to practice the advanced knowledge for income generation.
Providing technological back up without prior importance to innovations, financial and managerial issues of the farmers might be the reason for this. They definitely need innovation and motivation, proper management and financial support for becoming successful.
To address this issue, KVK, South Tripura took the initiative for some institutional arrangement for the same. NABARD was having the support programme for formation of Farmers Club even last few years back. At initial period of last decade, District Development Office of NABARD supported the initiative of KVK, South Tripura as NABARD also wanted to back up their refinancing function through commercial banks.
Later, NABARD and KVK, South Tripura took initiative for formation of Farmers Clubs (FCs) in different villages of South Tripura. More than 70 farmers club were formed and registered under NABARD during last decade. These FCs were acting as an organization of social importance and also to support the village farmers. FC worked as a bridge between local commercial bank and farmers for financial support for them.
On the hand, KVK, South Tripura was providing the technical and motivational support to the farmers for enterprise development. KVK, South Tripura started conducting OFTs, FLDs, Capacity building programmes and different extension activities in those villages through FCs. This way, Farmers’ Club was working as a linkage institute between KVK and village farmers. Overtime, FCs started linking with other technological support institutions to avail additional technology support, recent information on government schemes etc for the farmers. This was with the synergetic effect of KVK, South Tripura, NABARD, Commercial Banks, ICAR, line department of State Government and most importantly, the Farmers’ Club.
Many farmers of the different village who were engaged as a part of this innovative institutional arrangement made by KVK, South Tripura, could start their entrepreneurial business in the district. Dr. Biswajit Debnath, present In-charge of KVK, South Tripura took special effort for the development of this innovative approach as he is working in KVK, South Tripura for last sixteen years. Presently, some social organizations are taking initiatives to form more numbers of farmers club in the district. The institutional arrangement and linking farmers with financial institutions and technological institution together provides the best results in development of farming community.