Career Choice for Women after Marriage 

Vijay Garg 


  Choosing a profession is an important decision for a woman after marriage, which can bring a lot of change in her life. For both educated and less educated women, this choice should be made based on individual skills, inclinations, and life situation. However, some professions may be appropriate for both types of women. In this article we will discuss some suitable professions for both types of women. Professions for Educated Woman: Teacher - Teacher's Profession An honorable and useful choice for educated women. In this work, women get opportunities to teach in schools, colleges or universities, which provides stable employment and social prestige. Women as teachers play an important role in the lives of students, showing them the path of knowledge and helping them reach the destination of success, thereby giving teachers the satisfaction of making a positive difference in the lives of students. A teacher's schedule is mostly fixed. Who is with the family It is convenient to spend. Due to the provision of vacations, there is an opportunity to pursue family life and personal interests. Thus, the profession of teacher is a reasonable and sensible choice for educated women, which not only improves economic status but also gives dignity and respect in the society. Doctor – The medical profession is also suitable for literate women, especially if she is interested in the medical field. To become a doctor, a lot of hard work and study is required, but it is a highly respected and highly respected profession. women For, gynecology, pediatrics, and other fields can be found. Engineer – Engineering is also a good option for educated women. There are many fields of engineering, such as civil, mechanical, electrical, computer science, etc. Women can find great career opportunities in these fields. Lawyers – There are very good opportunities for educated women to become lawyers too. In the field of law and justice, women can become advocates or even judges. This region is known for morality and truthfulness, which gives respect and dignity in the society. MBA Professions – After doing MBA, women can work in business management, finance, marketing, etc. It is a good profession to reach higher positions in the business field. Professions for Less Educated Woman Sewing and Embroidery - Sewing and embroidery work is a good option for less educated women. They can do this work from home and contribute to the economic status of their family. Home Industries - Home industries like paper packets, toy making, pickle making, appliance making etc., less Education can provide better opportunities for women. They can do this work even sitting at home. Beautician – Beauty parlor work is also a good option for less educated women. Beauty services are always in demand, which can be a good source of income for these women. Kunch Seva - After marriage, less educated women can make their household a source of income by running Kunch Seva. It is a good profession for taking care of children. Field work – like working in farming, dairy, poultry farm, etc. less educated women You can get a source of income. These jobs can improve their lives and make them economically stronger. While choosing a profession after marriage, women should consider their inclinations, skills, and life situation. Some professions like teacher, doctor, sewing, embroidery, beauty service etc. can be good choices for both educated and less educated women. Every woman should choose the right profession keeping in mind her individual circumstances and present circumstances. given in this article With the knowledge of the professions, we have tried our best to ensure that every woman can choose the right and successful profession for herself. 


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