Better Life with Books

Vijay Garg 

 Today, in the confines that we have created for ourselves by being immersed in smartphones, smart TVs or such resources all the time, many such things have been left behind which used to enrich our lifestyle on many levels. For example, once upon a time we used to consider reading books from around the world as a means of betterment of our lives, but today the mobile screen in every hand has hypnotized us in a way and our hunger for reading has transformed into this form. It is happening that today You start feeling burden even while holding the book in your hand.  physical mental health Reading books has always been not only one of the most important sources of knowledge, but it also gives us happiness and joy. Also, it has been shown in many studies that by reading books, a person gets many benefits at the level of physical and mental health. It is possible that we can get more detailed information about the country and the world on the internet, but the kind of details and reportage regarding tourism that we have been reading in books is less than that.These images also provide an open sky of thoughts to our mind. Whereas the screen of smartphone or computer gets absorbed in our habit. Then, in a way, it starts controlling our thinking, understanding and assimilation process. thinking process With and after the study of books, the sky of our thoughts opens up, the scope of thinking expands infinitely, where our mind gets a chance to work hard and improve itself more. It has been observed that if reading books in everyday lifestylevWhen it develops as a habit, it affects physical health as well. The body gets energized and there is a feeling of agility while doing any work, going out somewhere etc. It should be kept in mind that the mental impact of reading books is completely different from the impact of a computer or mobile screen. source of solace Even in case of mental distress, counselors recommend that reading books is an important means of achieving peace and tranquility. It has been revealed in many researches that While other remedies like yoga or humor have the same effect on students who are stressed, reading books also has a positive effect on blood pressure, heart rate and brain. Naturally, reading helps in relieving stress. If everything from increased knowledge to better sleep can be achieved by reading books, then why not seize the friendship of books at the right time and make it a helpful element in choosing four moments of happiness in your lifestyle. 



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