Career in Dairy Technology
Ranjan K Baruah
We are aware of the importance of milk in our life. We should also be aware that 26 November has been observed as National Milk Day ( NMD) in India since 2014 . National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and Indian Dairy Association (IDA) announced the first NMD on 26 November 2014, in honor of Dr. Verghese Kurien, whose birth anniversary falls on the same day. Dr. Kurien revolutionized the dairy industry in India; now, it is the biggest self-sustaining industry in the country, contributing to the country’s total GDP. Department of Animal Husbandry has celebrated NMD this year in Bengaluru to commemorate 101st birth anniversary of the “Father of the White Revolution in India” and National Gopal Ratna Awards 2022 to be conferred as part of the celebrations.
The NDDB's creation is rooted in the conviction that our nation's socio-economic progress lies largely on the development of rural India. The Dairy Board was created to promote, finance and support producer-owned and controlled organisations. NDDB's programmes and activities seek to strengthen farmer owned institutions and support national policies that are favourable to the growth of such institutions. Fundamental to NDDB's efforts are cooperative strategies and principles.
NDDB’s efforts transformed India’s rural economy by making dairying a viable and profitable economic activity for millions of milk producers while addressing the country’s need for self-sufficiency in milk production. NDDB has been reaching out to dairy farmers by implementing other income generating innovative activities and offering them sustainable livelihood.
The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (AH&D) is one of the Departments of the newly created Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying vide Cabinet Secretariat's Notification No.1/21/7/2019-Cab dated 17.06.2019 published in e-Gazette S.O.No.1972(E).
It brings opportunities for our young people to build their career related to dairy or milk. Dairy courses are mainly related to all the areas of dairy farming. Generally dairy farming comes under animal husbandry. There are courses like BE in Dairy Technology , Graduation and PG level courses related to dairy engineering , dairy microbiology , dairy science , dairy technology . Subjects in the courses include introduction to dairy science, animal health and livestock, dairy farming and milking, dairy plant maintenance, quality control, marketing, etc.
IGNOU also offers distance learning courses like diploma in dairy technology. Indian Council for Agricultural Research -National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) at Karnal, Haryana is one of the premier Institutes in the dairy sector, which has contributed a lot in the growth of dairy industry and played a crucial role in India’s development in milk production with its continuous research. Courses related to Dairy are also offered at Anand Agricultural University.
Job opportunities are in different cooperative societies or milk production units. There are many branded products related to milk which need qualified people and aspirants with degrees like B E or B Tech in Dairy Technology or similar degrees are always the choice in the dairy industry. There are many startups related to dairy farming which is bringing more opportunities for the students from the dairy background.