Change of Seasons
Vijay Garg
The seasons changing at the speed of this earth determine the new direction of our cultural heritage and the new energy of man's progress. In this winter season of this year, there was a fog like atmosphere and everywhere from Rajasthan to hilly places came under the grip of cold wave. Places like Mount Abu were seen competing with the frozen lake of Dal Lake. Although this is a normal nature of the weather, but its other side is that the accidents caused by this haze are proving to be fatal.Huh. Maybe this is the cycle of life. When the sun is not even visible for many days in the foggy sheet of the changing seasons and in the changing season, then the whole society trembles with the agony of winter with the priorities of the changing society. The misty season is a sight to behold in winter and sets the pace for beautiful diversions at late night parties, but a very important part of metropolitan life. On the other hand, parallel to this, the hut on the side of the road and the pain of the farmers are also visible in front. Village picture of common man of IndiaA woman is seen, who is entangled in this mist. It is a journey that goes on. This is called life. Hardly anyone would have said that mist is a strange thing. In this season, when the dew drops on the face connect someone with memories like a cotton of mist, then a new sight and page of life appears. This is perhaps the aesthetic of the mist, in which we can enjoy it and see our inner self from a new perspective and this is the time of energy, when the season can be enjoyed. in the changing season when the fog When aesthetic sense comes to mind, we start walking in the fog of thoughts of clouds flying like mist in the past moments and every moment of our life is filled with freshness. The definition of this aesthetic sense of life is also in another way. When we are changing the tone and color of life through consumer and new technology under the influence of market, then a virtual world starts to take over this hazy world. Sometimes it seems that in comparison to the moments in which the age has passed, not even a single moment passes. that's called waiting and that's it There are moments when we see and feel the aesthetic of the season. This aesthetic sense gives us the experience of living and it is recorded at every turn of time. Taking care of health becomes an additional task in winter, but from Ayurvedic system, there are many types of things to keep a person healthy, which can be taken only in winter and especially in foggy days. This is the wonder of nature. If it goes away then life wants to take this music of nature and these rare moments of nature with it.Where old memories try to balance the new. It can fill us with new energy in a way. That's why even the suffering of winter should be accepted as a part of the season with a smile, because it maintains the balance of nature. With this reality, the effort should be to keep our work alive by getting lost in the mist waiting for the new dawn. Looking at this aesthetic sense of the seasons, get absorbed in the mist. In the midst of all this, find a way to live and play your role in the new beginning to build a new society.Will be But the problem of our world is that we have built our world on that small screen, in which there is a drama of living, in which there is no real life, in which there is no brightness of the faces. Is. Obviously, the beauty of this winter's mist told us that we could read each other's faces through dialogue. Perhaps this is also okay in the pursuit of happiness and relationships. Someone has said- 'We have to come in this fog and go in this fog.' Converting the beauty of this mist into new energy We will have to wait for the coming tomorrow with new tunes for our insight into the mind and brain. Sitting in the sun will have to once again assess the haze with your memories.