Outpost of the ‘Empire’
Er. Rajesh Pathak
‘“ Trade follows the flag”, it was said, and often enough the flag followed the Bible. The Christian missionary, going in the name of truth and love, was often the outpost of empire, and if any harm befell him, his country made this an excuse to seize territory and extort concessions.’—writes Jawaharlal Nehru, explaining how during 19th century the evangelists played their part in promoting the imperialistic and commercial interests of their respective western powers, only in return to gain their favor to bring more and more backward and poor people of Asian and African countries into the trap of Christianity.[Glimpses of World History, p- 463]
Almost 150 years have passed since then, and time has changed a lot. But as far as Christian missionaries active inside the country are concerned they have shown time and again that still today the time could make no effect on them. And they have yet again proved themselves by opposing the Adani’s port being built in Triuantpuram, Kerela . Country did not forget the infamous incidents of Tuticurin based (now a closed) Vedanta Sterlite Copper Plant and Kudankulam Nuclear Plant, when stood in forefront how the nexus of Naxalites and Missionaries led the agitation against them. Regarding the Vedanta Sterlite Copper Plant even superstar Rajnikant had to say that the agitation had been patronized by anti-social elements. The name of one padre gained much limelight in the agitation. He then claimed that besides activities on the open streets, the prayers are being observed inside the Churches also to make it a success. In the enquiry it was exposed that the padre got the crores of rupees in return for this work. Because of growth in industrial activities and employment generation in the entire region due to plant, Unions of traders were against the agitation since very beginning. But due to the pressure of 34 Christian trading Unions they too succumbed to have fallen in the line later . Ultimately the plant got to have shut down, and whatever economic loss forces abroad and their agents inside the country intended to incur upon India they succeeded to have brought about that. The production of copper fell by 46.1%. In 2017-18 where we were among the top five world exporters, by 2020 we turned to be the importer of copper.
The issue of Kudankulam Nuclear Plant is no different either. Every tactic from demonstration, public-protest to agitation was adopted so that the project could anyhow not come into execution. The then minister of Manmohan Singh led UPA government, Narayan Samy, alleged that the two NGOs running under the protection of Roman-Catholic Bishop were given 54 crores rupees to make the things more violent . Fortunately missionaries could not gain success that time, and and Nuclear plant could come into existence. It seems that Noble Laureate, Kailash Sayarthi, rightly said that- ‘Some people made social welfare and social transformation a business. NGO is being used also for the religious conversion. For a section of people NGO has become a source of making career, not social transformation.’ It was because of this that Home ministry had to respond to suspend the licenses of 4 big Christian missionaries’ organizations under the provision of FCRA[ Foreign Contribution Regulation Act] two years back . These missionaries have their footholds particularly in those parts of South India, Jharkhand and Manipur which were mainly inhabited by Adivasis people. So also the permissions of two other organizations named Rajnandgaon Leprosy Hospital and Clinic and Don Vasco Tribal Development Society had also been terminated. And recently channel of foreign funds to ‘World Vision’ has been similarly closed by invoking FCRA. World vision has been notorious for being an extended form of US state department In the book ‘The Armies of God: A study in Militant Christianity’ its author, Iain Buchanan, views that World Vision and other major evangelical NGOs are the arms of implementing US foreign policy objectives. (The Hindu Post)