Physical Oceanographer - How to become a Physical Oceanographer
Vijay Garg
Physical Oceanographer is the professional expert in studying and analyzing the physical conditions and physical processes happening in the sea water. Most importantly the motions and physical properties of ocean waters. The physical oceanographer is also responsible to know about the temperature, the speed of waves, their progression, density, and current. As these properties are directly related to the routine life of the human being thereby making Physical Oceanographer one of the most important Profiles in the field of Oceanography. To become a Physical Oceanographer, one has to take some specific courses along with regular course required deep under the ocean.
Physical Oceanographer Eligibility
Educational Qualification
The minimum educational qualifications for pursuing a course in Physical Oceanography is Graduation in Pure Science with Mathematics and Chemistry as one of the main subjects or a Graduate degree in Oceanography or related subjects.
Age Limits
The candidate must have attained the age of 17 years.
Physical Oceanographer required Skills
As the job of Physical Oceanographer demands long working spells, working at odd hours and that too in very hazardous and physically tough condition, thus the foremost required skill to become a successful Physical Oceanographer is a strong zeal and passion for his work, very strong and determined mental and physical condition.
Physical Oceanographer must possess very strong mathematical skills, excellent observational and practical skills, accuracy and attention to detail and above all excellent spoken and written communication skills to present his findings.
How to become a Physical Oceanographer?
To become a Physical Oceanographer one has to follow the given steps:
Step 1
After clearing the +2 Exam with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as the main subject the aspiring physical oceanographer has to get admission into some related Under Graduate Course like B.Sc (Marine Science).
Step 2
After getting B.Sc. (Marine Science) degree or B.Sc. (Geology), or B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) degree one can go for a Master’s degree in the related field like M.Sc. (Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies) or M.Sc. (Physical Oceanography).
Step 3
Once the aspirant has completed his qualification one can applying for the job is the public sector or private sector as a Physical Oceanographer.
List of Important Institutes that Provide courses in Physical Oceanography or Related Fields
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi
National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji, Goa
Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
University of Madras, Chennai
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Mangalore University, Karnataka
Physical Job Description
Physical Oceanographer Job description includes studying and analyzing the interaction between the ocean and its boundaries i.e land, seafloor and atmosphere besides establishing the relationship between the sea, weather, and climate.
Their work also includes investigations into seawater qualities like its temperature, salinity, density, and influential factors such as wind speed, air temperature, tides, and interaction with nearby land and underwater formations.
Physical Oceanographer work also describing and understanding the evolving patterns of ocean circulation and fluid motion, along with the distribution of its properties.
Physical Oceanographer Career Prospects
Job prospects for Physical Oceanographers are increasing with every passing year due to increasing dependency of the human being on Ocean and their resources. vast. After getting the requisite qualification through good institutes one can get employment in public and private sector as a scientist, or researcher.
Some of the premier government agencies that provide job opportunity to these professionals are Geological Survey of India and Department of Oceanography, Government of India.
Besides companies in the corporate private sector with interests’ marine research also provide job options to Physical Oceanographer. With increasing media coverage and mushrooming of TV channels based on Oceanography, there is a great scope for Physical Oceanographer in the field of Media too.
Physical Oceanographers can also find a job with various National and International Research vessels working in the field of Oceanography.
Physical Oceanographer Salary
A Physical oceanographer who has a master’s degree can expect Rs.40,000 to Rs.50,000 per month in the government sector and slightly higher in the private sector. With a PhD degree in hand experience of a few years, one can earn about Rs.60,000 to Rs.70,000 per month.
Vijay GarG Retired Principal Educational Columnist Malout Punjab