The brain becomes active when you write by hand.

Vijay Garg

 Washington University of St. Louis conducted a study in 2012 to learn more about typing and memory retention and found that students who typed notes on a computer were less likely to forget important information after just 24 hours. At the same time, people who wrote notes by hand not only remembered important information even after a week, but also demonstrated better grasp of the concepts taught. Chetanaditya Alok There is at least one area of ​​life even today, whichIt would be better to remain in the old form i.e. ‘old school’ and that is – writing by hand. Actually, there are many benefits of writing by hand, which mainly include the skill and development of writing and language. Obviously, these benefits cannot be obtained by typing on mobile, tablet, computer etc. This is why handwriting is considered one of the most amazing and impressive discoveries of man. However, in the online era, writing by hand is becoming an old thing. Instead of this, people now prefer to send thoughts by typing.In fact, now people have started doing 'voice typing' i.e. writing by speaking. This means that now for writing one does not need paper and pen, but electronic devices like mobile, tablet, typewriter, computer, laptop etc. In this blind race of modernity, people are gradually forgetting how to read and write by hand, due to which the art of hand writing is in danger. There is more concern that hand writing may become a thing of history for our future generations. It was expected that by hand in schoolsThe process of reading and writing will remain, but there too now more attention is being paid to digitalization. Earlier teachers used to teach children by writing with chalk on the black board, whereas nowadays they have started teaching on smart board through computer projector. Similarly, earlier good handwriting was encouraged in schools. Separate marks were also determined for this in the examinations, but unfortunately now special attention is not given to this. Handwriting expert Dr. Mark Seifer believes that the act of handwriting is a type ofThis is ‘graphotherapy’, which means making conscious changes in your handwriting to bring positive changes in your personality. Suppose a person is bored of the noise and wants to live a peaceful life, then according to Dr. Seifer, he should write the details related to his goal 20 times every day. They say that doing this will actually make the person calm from within. It is estimated that about 15 percent of the total population has a language-based learning disability, the majority of whom areThe number consists of people suffering from dyslexia. At the same time, experts believe that writing by hand is especially helpful for people suffering from dyslexia. According to educational therapist Deborah Spear, all letters in cursive start on a baseline and the pen moves fluidly from left to right. This is why cursive is easier to learn for dyslexic students, who have trouble forming words correctly. Washington University of St. Louis learns more about typing and memory retentionTo find out, a study was conducted in 2012 and it was found that students who type notes on computers start forgetting important information after 24 hours. At the same time, people who wrote notes by hand not only remembered important information even after a week, but also demonstrated better grasp of the concepts taught. The meaning is that writing by hand increases memory. Experts also believe that writing by hand utilizes more brain power. Karin James, professor of psychology at Indiana UniversityOne study asked children to type, trace, or draw a letter and while they were doing all this, they were given an MRI. It is noteworthy that in the MRI, the brains of children who wrote letters by hand lit up at three places. That is, important neural pathways of the brain were connected to writing letters by hand. Similarly, in 2009, researchers at the University of Washington found that elementary-aged students who wrote creative stories with pen on paper performed better than their peers.Was r. According to the researchers, hand-writers were not only able to complete their work faster than typists, but they also wrote longer compositions with complete sentences. Keeping these characteristics in mind, 'National Handwriting Day' was started in India in the year 1977 with the aim of promoting handwriting and improving personality through handwriting. Since then, National Handwriting Day is celebrated every year on 23 January. To rapidly encourage handwriting in the countryTherefore, it is important to generate interest in it among children. Also, children in homes and schools will have to avoid being overly dependent on electronic devices like mobile, tablet, typewriter, computer, laptop, smart-board etc. Additionally, they should be repeatedly and consistently motivated and encouraged to write by hand. Even if one has to resort to temptations for this. Let us tell you that writing by hand strengthens the educational base of children, because it increases their memory and brain power.Due to greater use of water, brain activity also increases. Obviously, strengthening the educational base of children will strengthen the foundation of the country. It means that this will strengthen our nation. 


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